Diabetic Alert Dog QuestionnaireTo apply for a Diabetic Alert Dog (DAD) from Thistle Ridge Terriers, please complete the following questionnaire.Applicant Name:*Full Address:*Phone Number:*Email Address:*Is this dog for you or a family member?* Me Family MemberAge of person the dog would be for:*Do you have pets in your home?* Yes NoIf so, what type of pets and how many of each?For dogs and cats, please provide their ageand whether they are spay/neutered:TypeAgeSpay/Neuter NoneDogCat N/A Yes No NoneDogCat N/A Yes No NoneDogCat N/A Yes NoHave you owned a service dog before?* Yes NoIf yes, from whom did you obtain the dog?Please describe your lifestyle(activity level, social interactions):WIll your dog accompany you to work or school?* Yes NoWhat modes of transportation do you useto commute to work or school?*Please describe where you live(Check all that apply): Neighborhood City Country Farm House Apartment Townhouse One-story Two-story Tri-level Fenced Yard Grassy/Wooded Area Paths/Sidewalks Dog Park NearbyHow many adults and children live with you?*What are the ages/relationships to youof the people you live with? Age: Relationship: Age: Relationship: Age: Relationship: Age: Relationship: Age: Relationship: Age: Relationship: Do any of these people have disabling medicalconditions including Type 1 or 2 diabetics?* Yes NoIf yes, please explain:Is anyone allergic to dogs in your household?* Yes NoDoes anyone in your household smoke?* Yes NoHave you discussed getting a Diabetic Alert Dogwith your medical advisor?* Yes NoA1c Three Month Average:How did you discover our organization?Username